overtone Email & Lifecycle marketing strategy

As the Director of Growth Content at oVertone, I led lifecycle strategy through email, sms, and loyalty. I was responsible for strategy, testing, reporting and more, but left the copy and design up to our incredible creative team.

We transitioned from Klaviyo to Retention Science and used ReSci’s AI-driven technology to build our lifecycle strategy and welcome series. Some examples of those emails are below. The ReSci welcome series consists of a number of stages; Welcome, New to Brand, New and High Intent, New and Low Intent, and Ready to Buy are the most unique to ReSci, but the ESP also allows for the traditional Cart Abandon, Browse Abandon, Item Back in Stock, etc.

Our email lifecycle and welcome series alone accounted for about 20% of our email revenue, competing with our highly successful revenue campaigns. Here are some highlights:

  • The oVertone email subscriber list reached 1.3M during my time at oVertone

  • I Implemented a loyalty-driven VIP email strategy that consistently saw a 25 - 40% CVR

  • Increased average email open rates 101% (some inflation caused by iOS 15)

  • Increased conversion rates by 40% YOY (2020 - 2021)

Email Welcome series

Cart Abandon with Discount
Fun Fact: These emails saw a 29.14% CVR on average.

Churned From The Business
The Churned series is built as a last-ditch effort to bring a customer back for another purchase after they’ve churned.

Post-Purchase Follow Up
With help from our Client Support team, we send folks a short follow up post-purchase with some common questions and a link to our product guide.

Ready To Buy
The Ready To Buy stage identifies customers who are still engaged and gives them a small push to drive an additional purchase. This series is one of the highest revenue drivers in our welcome series.

Email Blasts & Campaigns

Trend Alert
This email series is one of my favorites and was a collab between our performance team and myself. Our paid team would share weekly trends in paid and search performance to inform major hair trends driving revenue through ad sales. I translated that data into a fun “Trend Alert” series that consistently saw higher than average opens, great engagement, and notable conversions.

Back In Stock
Due to having a headless website, these unfortunately had to be done manually. However, that left us the opportunity to customize a ton! For every promotion or campaign, I had our Creative Team build a mini module and header banner that could be placed in any email as a little mention and reminder to shop the sale. These bumped conversion rates up significantly. This email also had the highest CTOR during a very aggressive revenue growth stage.

Cyber 5 VIP
This email combines two of my favorite things: Cyber Week and Loyalty. When I joined oVertone, I implemented a VIP email program based on our loyalty program. VIP emails consistently saw a 25 - 40% CVR and low unsubscribe rate. We pulled in double loyalty rewards to sweeten the deal which resulted in this email series having an average 52% CVR during Cyber Week.


During our ESP transition, we also moved from Attentive to Voyage SMS. This was my first venture into SMS and I loved it. Check out some highlights below:


  • 6.2x ROAS

  • 5.8% CTR

  • 2.1% CVR


  • 114.7x ROAS

  • 18.9% CTR

  • 16.5% CVR

This SMS earned the highest revenue of all SMS. We learned through a lot of A/B testing that clear > clever, so we kept a lot of our promotional messaging very straightforward.

When keeping copy clear and having limited ability to make things visually pleasing, we actually enjoyed a simple break in characters to make the SMS look slightly more visually appealing.

Again - clear was key for us. This Abandon Cart series earned a 117.7x ROAS and 20% CTR.

This is a snippet of our Welcome Series in SMS. This series performed exceptionally, as expected, with a 109.9x ROAS and 17% CTR.